The Oh Lab welcomes new UG researchers to the group! Welcome Mike and Charleen! September 6, 2023admin
Kyle gave a poster presentation at REU Poster Symposium. Kyle was awarded a NSF REU Biofellowship for summer 2023. September 6, 2023admin
Taekwon, Riley, Dan and Lauren led our “Fun Polymer – Diper, the Superabsorbent” booth for preschool kids and families at Art Festival at Penn State. September 6, 2023admin
Luis Thiele was awarded a MRSEC GREaT GradS Scholarship. Congratulations Luis! September 6, 2023admin
Yongha Kim has successfully passed his comprehensive exam! Warmest congratulations Yongha! June 9, 2023admin
Riley Kracaw is awarded the Tom and Nancy West Chemical Engineering Undergraduate scholarship. Congratulations Riley! June 6, 2023admin
Our new UG researcher, Lauren Collins from the Univ. of Michigan is awarded the Big 10 SROP Scholarship. Congratulations Lauren! June 6, 2023admin
The Oh Lab welcomes new UG researchers to the group! Welcome Taekown, Dan, Olivia and Lauren! June 6, 2023admin
The Oh Lab welcomes Luis Felipe Thiele to the group. Luis is a Ph.D. student in Materials Science and Engineering. Welcome Luis! June 6, 2023admin
Warmest congratulations to Evan Bhagat, Ziqiao Wang and Hai Doan on graduating. Best of luck on your new beginning! May 8, 2023admin