Multifunctional Polymer Membranes for Environment, Energy, and Health
We are a part of the Department of Chemical Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering, and the Institute of Energy and the Environment (IEE) at the Pennsylvania State University. Our research focuses on design, processing, and characterizations of multifunctional polymers for energy-efficient separation, energy storage, and biomedical devices to address challenges in the Water-Energy Nexus and in Health.
We study the relationship between polymer chemistry, processing, structure, and transport properties for separation science. Specifically, we explore the influence of polymer’s chemical and physical structures on transport properties such as sorption, diffusion, and permeation of small molecules in polymers and polymer-based materials. These fundamental studies are critical for membranes for liquid, gas and vapor separations, energy storage, selective removal of unwanted molecules from various chemical streams, selective recovery of critical and precious elements, biomedical devices, controlled drug-delivery, and barrier materials for food and packaging.
Potential Applications

Our Research Methods

We design and synthesize new multifunctional polymers, develop processing methods for new structures, and evaluate their transport and structural properties. Specifically, we explore the influence of polymer’s chemical and physical structures on transport properties such as sorption, diffusion, conduction, and permeation of small molecules in polymers and polymer-based materials.
Prospective Ph.D. Students
If you are interested in the design of multifunctional polymer membranes for energy-efficient separations, in particularly for clean water, energy, environment and health, and/or you have strong background in polymers and membranes, I invited you to apply for Ph.D. positions in Chemical Engineering.
Prospective Postdoctoral Scholars
Prospective postdoctoral scholars with training in (1) organic polymer chemistry, including polymer/monomer synthesis, anionic polymerization, free radical polymerization, and/or 3D printing, (2) polymer physics, and (3) polymer membrane science and related fields, are encouraged to apply. To inquire about available positions, please contact Prof. Hee Jeung Oh via email and include the following information:
- Cover letter including your research interests and contact information for 3 references
- CV including list of publications and 3-5 representative publications (pdf)